Our Family History
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Your Personal Data
Genealogy involves a vast amount of data, some of which can be sensitive, especially when it pertains to living individuals. The EU and several U.S. states have strict regulations regarding the publication of personal information for living persons. While I don’t reside in a state with such laws, I’ve chosen to follow these guidelines as a precaution.
As a result, personal details, photos, and certain references for living individuals are hidden by default. According to these regulations, we must obtain written consent from individuals before displaying their personal information, images, and other genealogical records.
If you are a member of this family and would like to grant consent, we would greatly appreciate your participation. The more people who contribute, the richer and more meaningful this family project becomes. To provide your consent, click here.
Watermarked Images
I've decided to watermark all images on this site. As family history and genealogy research often involve sharing valuable photographs, it's important to take measures to protect them from being copied, misused, or distributed without permission. By adding watermarks, we can ensure that the images remain attributed to our family and discourage others from repurposing them without credit. While I understand that some people prefer clean, unmarked images, this step is necessary to safeguard our family’s visual history for future generations.
If any family members would like a high-resolution, unwatermarked version of a particular image for personal use, please feel free to reach out to me directly here.
About the Project
In 2025, I embarked on this project as a way to educate my younger siblings about the rich history of our family and the deep roots that connect us to generations past. What started as a simple endeavor to gather stories and records quickly turned into a passion—an obsession, even. Every new discovery fuels my curiosity and drives me to dig deeper, uncovering lost details, forgotten names, and the incredible stories that have shaped our family over time.
I created this website to be a central hub for our family history, a place where anyone interested in our lineage can explore and learn. Whether you're a close relative or a distant cousin, my hope is that this resource allows you to see what we've uncovered, browse through historical documents, and trace the journey of our ancestors. I believe that family history should be open and accessible to all, which is why I am committed to sharing not just the information itself, but also the sources and research behind it.
This site is a living project—continuously growing as new discoveries come to light. If you have stories, photos, or documents to contribute, I would love to hear from you. Together, we can ensure that our family's legacy is preserved for future generations. Thank you for being a part of this journey, and I hope you find as much joy in exploring our history as I do in uncovering it.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.